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Working postures and advices

Hello everyone, Below I've attached to you two link from a the Saint Louis school's principal, I know well. He created the two links...

Checklists on daily habits

Becoming healthier

Week 1

Below, the planning template will improve your health. Print it out. I recommend you fill it every day. At the end of the last day of the week I wrote, send me your work by email, it can also be in image format. Thank you for your support! Thanks so much


Week 2

Below you will find the planning templates to improve your fitness. Print them out and maybe stick them on your fridge or in your room. I recommend you do every day one session/exercise I will post as a video on this site. At the end of the last day (...) send me your work by email, it can also be in image format. Thank you for your support!

The documents are:

1. a workout plan where you brainstorm your principal goals on fitness.

2. a table on your daily intake of water (tick every day you followed)

3. a workout record table to record your sessions. Try to do it.

TIME to care for youself

Below you will find the planning template to improve your organization. Print it out. I recommend you organize every day your day so that you are more prepared for the things you need to do during the day. I've attached an organization plan below. Try to fill it out and then, at the end of the last day (...) send me your work by email, it can also be in image format. Thank you for everything!

Week 3

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